Nurse Practitioner Guide to Locum Tenens Jobs in Vermont

Imagine for a moment that you are stuck in traffic on your way to work, bored of the same monotonous routine, and looking to experience new scenery and culture. Then, your phone vibrates. It’s your Barton recruiter with the answer. They share a new listing with great pay, your dream schedule, and it will start at a time that fits your current life. The only problem is that it is in Vermont which you know very little about. That’s where Barton comes in!

What You Need to Know About Vermont as a Locum Tenens Nurse Practitioner?

Our recruiters and staffing specialists do not expect you, the provider, to know ins-and-outs of every state in the country. To help you make an informed decision, we’ve compiled information from TripAdvisor, state government pages, and tourist information sources to give you a glimpse into life in Vermont.

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Vermont: A Brief History

Vermont’s history is quirky like its maple syrup! First, it wasn’t always a state — the Green Mountain Boys fought fiercely for independence from both New York and New Hampshire. This feisty spirit led it to become the first state to abolish slavery. Later, hippies and back-to-the-landers flocked to its hills. Today, Vermont is known for Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream, liberal politics, and its breathe-taking landscape. It’s a land of small-town charm and a whole lot of independent spirit.

From its days as a defiant republic to its progressive values and quirky traditions, the Green Mountain State tells a story of individuality and a strong sense of community, proving that even the smallest states can have the biggest personalities.

What is there to do and see in Vermont?

  • Fall Foliage & Farm Life: Take a scenic drive during peak fall foliage, visit a local farm to sample fresh maple syrup, and explore idyllic small towns with white-steepled churches.
  • Outdoor Adventures: Ski or snowboard at renowned resorts like Stowe or Killington, hike a section of the Appalachian Trail, or bike along scenic country roads.
  • Sweet Treats & Craft Brews: Indulge in a scoop of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, tour local breweries on the Vermont Beer Trail, and browse farmers’ markets for delicious cheese and artisan goods.
  • Burlington Buzz: Explore the vibrant city of Burlington, walk the waterfront, visit the ECHO science center, and enjoy the diverse dining and arts scene.

How close is Vermont to other cities and states?

  • New York: Vermont shares its entire western border with New York. The distance from central Vermont to the New York border is negligible. 
  • Massachusetts: Vermont shares a small southern border with Massachusetts. The distance from central Vermont to the Massachusetts border is approximately 80 miles.

Nurse Practitioners Scope of Practice In Vermont

What is the Scope of Practice for Nurse Practitioners in Vermont?

Nurse practitioners have full practice authority in the state of Vermont. This legal provision empowers NPs to perform a comprehensive array of healthcare services that are critical to patient care. Vermont law authorizes NPs to evaluate patients, diagnose, and prescribe medications and therapeutic measures.

Can Nurse Practitioners Sign Death Certificates in Vermont?

The state of Vermont allows nurse practitioners to sign patient’s death certificates. This responsibility is typically reserved for physicians, but the inclusion of NPs in this process is a testament to their recognized competence and the trust placed in their clinical judgment. It also reflects the evolving role of NPs in healthcare, as they increasingly take on duties that were once exclusive to doctors.

Can Nurse Practitioners Prescribe Schedule II Drugs in Vermont?

Nurse practitioners may prescribe schedule II drugs after completing an educational requirement in advanced pharmacotherapeutics.

Do Nurse Practitioners Qualify for Medical Staff Membership in Vermont?

Nurse practitioners are authorized to join medical staff in the state of Vermont. This means they can work alongside physicians, surgeons, and other healthcare professionals in hospitals, clinics, and other medical facilities. Their inclusion in the medical staff allows for a more collaborative approach to patient care, enhancing the quality and efficiency of healthcare services.

Can Nurse Practitioners Order Physical Therapy in Vermont?

In the state of Vermont, nurse practitioners are granted full authority to order physical therapy for their patients. This is a significant aspect of their role in the healthcare system, allowing them to provide comprehensive care. A NP can assess a patient’s need for such a treatment, and then order it accordingly.


Can Nurse Practitioners Sign Handicap Parking Permit Forms in Vermont?

Yes! Nurse practitioners are authorized to certify disability for parking placards in the state of Vermont. NPs can assess a patient’s physical condition and determine whether their disability qualifies them for a parking placard.

Can Nurse Practitioners Sign POLST/POST/MOLST/MOST/COLST Forms in Vermont? 

Yes, nurse practitioners are authorized to sign COLST forms in the state of Vermont. These forms are designed to communicate a patient’s wishes regarding life-sustaining treatment. They are typically used in situations where a patient has a serious illness or is near the end of life. The forms provide specific medical orders that are to be followed by healthcare providers, ensuring that the patient’s wishes are honored.

Can Nurse Practitioners Sign Do Not Resuscitate Orders in Vermont?

Nurse practitioners are authorized to sign Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders in the state of Vermont. DNR orders are typically signed after a detailed discussion with the patient or the patient’s healthcare proxy or legal guardian. This conversation involves a comprehensive understanding of the patient’s medical condition, prognosis, and personal wishes regarding end-of-life care.

What are the Continuing Medical Education Requirements for Nurse Practitioners in Vermont?

In Vermont, nurse practitioners do not have any continuing education requirements.

Find Your Next Nurse Practitioner Job with Barton

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If there’s a match, we’ll work with the client manager on next steps.



Don’t worry! Barton Associates will handle licensing, credentialing, and travel arrangements before you arrive.

Your Barton rep will also work with your new facility to ensure you’re set up and ready to go on day one.


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