Physician Guide to Locum Tenens Jobs in Wisconsin

Imagine for a moment that you are stuck in traffic on your way to work, bored of the same monotonous routine, and looking to experience new scenery and culture. Then, your phone vibrates. It’s your Barton recruiter with the answer. They share a new listing with great pay, your dream schedule, and it will start at a time that fits your current life. The only problem is that it is in Wisconsin which you know very little about. That’s where Barton comes in!

What You Need to Know About Wisconsin as a Locum Tenens Physician?

Our recruiters and staffing specialists do not expect you, the provider, to know ins-and-outs of every state in the country. To help you make an informed decision, we’ve compiled information from TripAdvisor, state government pages, and tourist information sources to give you a glimpse into life in Wisconsin.

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Wisconsin: A Brief History

Wisconsin’s story begins with Native American nations like the Ho-Chunk and Ojibwe who thrived on the land for centuries. Then, the discovery of lead brought miners, followed by hardy farmers – think Germans, cheese, and a whole lot of determination! Its thick forests fueled the lumber industry, its location on the Great Lakes spurred shipping, and let’s not forget the beer! Today, Wisconsin blends its rich past with Midwestern charm, progressive politics, and an enduring love for Friday night fish fries.

From its earliest days as a mosaic of Native cultures to its modern identity, Wisconsin embodies a blend of resilience, innovation, and a touch of good-natured quirkiness. Its history is etched in its farm fields and lively cities, a testament to the spirit of those who’ve called it home and the enduring allure of the Midwest.

What is there to do and see in Wisconsin?

  • Outdoor Enthusiast: Hike the Ice Age Trail, kayak the Apostle Islands sea caves on Lake Superior, bike scenic trails, or go sailing on Lake Michigan.
  • Milwaukee & Madison Fun: Explore the breweries and vibrant arts scene of Milwaukee, or immerse yourself in the youthful energy and history of Wisconsin’s capital, Madison.
  • Milwaukee & Madison Fun: Explore the breweries and vibrant arts scene of Milwaukee, or immerse yourself in the youthful energy and history of Wisconsin’s capital, Madison.
  • Cheese Lover’s Paradise: Tour a cheese factory, sample award-winning curds, indulge in cheesy dishes, and maybe even wear a foam cheesehead to complete the experience. 

How close is Wisconsin to other cities and states?

  • Illinois: Wisconsin shares its southern border with Illinois. The distance from central Wisconsin to the Illinois border is approximately 150 miles. 
  • Michigan: While separated by Lake Michigan, Wisconsin’s eastern border is close to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The distance across the lake from central Wisconsin to the Michigan border is roughly 200 miles. 
  • Iowa: The Mississippi River forms Wisconsin’s southwestern border with Iowa. The distance from central Wisconsin to the Iowa border is around 110 miles.

Physicians FAQs In Wisconsin

Can Physicians Sign POLST/POST/MOLST/MOST/COLST Forms in Wisconsin? 

Physicians in Wisconsin are authorized to sign POLST (Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment) forms, which allow patients to express their preferences regarding end-of-life care. POLST forms help ensure that patients’ wishes are honored and documented accurately, even when they may be unable to communicate their preferences directly. The completed and signed POLST form becomes a legally binding medical order that healthcare providers must follow. This authorization is a valuable aspect of Wisconsin’s healthcare system, ensuring patients have a voice in their end-of-life care decisions.

Can Physicians Sign Do Not Resuscitate Orders in Wisconsin?

In Wisconsin, physicians have the authority to sign DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) orders. This legal framework allows physicians to make end-of-life care decisions while considering patients’ wishes and their right to self-determination. The DNR order prevents healthcare professionals from performing life-sustaining measures in the event of cardiac or respiratory arrest. Physicians are responsible for documenting the DNR order in the patient’s medical record, including the order date, patient information, patient wishes, and physician signature. This authority is crucial in ensuring patient control over medical decisions and honoring their wishes during their final moments.

What are the Continuing Medical Education Requirements for Physicians in Wisconsin?

Physicians in Wisconsin are required to complete 30 continuing medical education (CME) hours every two years to maintain their license. The CME requirement aims to ensure that physicians stay up-to-date with the latest medical advancements and treatments. Physicians can earn CME credits through various activities, including attending conferences, participating in online courses, and reading medical journals. The Wisconsin Medical Examining Board (WMEB) requires physicians to submit a CME compliance report as part of the license renewal process. Non-compliance may result in disciplinary actions, including license suspension or revocation. The WMEB provides resources to assist physicians in fulfilling their CME obligations. In addition to CME, physicians may also pursue continuing education opportunities such as board certification, fellowships, and advanced degrees. Fulfilling CME requirements demonstrates physicians’ commitment to providing competent and evidence-based medical care.

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If there’s a match, we’ll work with the client manager on next steps.



Don’t worry! Barton Associates will handle licensing, credentialing, and travel arrangements before you arrive.

Your Barton rep will also work with your new facility to ensure you’re set up and ready to go on day one.


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